The 5 most common reasons why you can’t change your life



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All too often we make goals that are really pure and have the best of intentions, we start strong with great motivation, and then ‘LIFE GETS IN THE WAY.’

Are you feeling down that you have great plans for yourself if only you could keep with your changes?

Are you frustrated because you find that you can start but not follow through with your goals?


I had the perfect system for accelerated language learning. I designed it and despite having everything that they need, my clients were rarely able to achieve results. They would say things like “I didn’t have time” or “It was a heavy week”. This is understandable and we can all relate.

And when people managed to do the work, they saw great results, but then after 4 weeks, I saw a drop in their actions, despite seeing great results. And the same things were said. “I didn’t have time”, “it was a busy week”, “it’s ok, I was tired but I’ll pick it up next week” This is when I started thinking about how to implement and take action on goals you set for a person who is the change, not someone who is trying to do the change.



Tried to reach your goals and fell off the wagon?


It happens to people, including celebrities, all the time!! Gerard Butler for the movie 300 VS afterwards, what do you think happened? And this is common in Hollywood Tried a new diet that you gave up on after a short time?

You are not alone! People look for quick solutions and get them, but fall back onto old behaviors because these solutions are not sustainable.

How about simple things like waking up earlier? This frustration can be felt in things you have issues managing or introducing into life like:

  • communicating with people more

  • business

  • family time

  • marketing

  • reading

  • learning a language

  • meditation

  • studying

  • adventures

  • new hobbies, etc.


So what can you do about this?

Well, if you follow the solutions that are out there, and there are many, and maybe you have tried them, but unfortunately many don’t work, or need other accompanying tools.

Watch the webinar and see what Stanford Research says
AND how to design a program that you always stick to.


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